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How To Create A Winning SEO Proposal With Serpstat: AdverMedia Experience

How To Create a Winning SEO Proposal
Менеджер по развитию advermedia
Development Manager at AdverMedia
Few people are aware that Serpstat can also be helpful for Project Managers and Sales Managers, especially when it comes to SEO service proposals.

This article will discuss how to use Serpstat to efficiently pitch your SEO services to potential customers, using real examples and experience.
My introduction to online marketing happened back in 2012 when I worked as an SEO Sales Manager. My job responsibilities were clearly defined: processing customer inquiries, preparing proposals, closing deals, and accompanying clients.

However, soon after, digital marketing captivated me with its novelty and technology; therefore, my work in the industry expanded.

Based on my experience, I'm convinced that one of the main points to refer to when communicating with a customer is the analysis of the website's current state and history. After all, a preliminary examination can give you a clear insight into the problems and prospects of a client's website.
Five years ago, we didn't have such comprehensive software that could quickly and easily gather all the data about the website's performance. We had to opt for a set of different tools. Now we can easily do it all with Serpstat.
Our company discovered Serpstat 4 years ago. Initially, we planned to use the service to optimize the work of our SEO specialists. But soon after, our sales managers also noticed significant advantages, which helped them improve their performance. After all, any competent sales manager always strives to pitch a service based on data and facts.

Now, let's go over four main stages of our company's SEO proposal process:

Stage #1: Initial Contact

Customers can conduct service inquiries through various communication channels: over the phone, via email, through a website, etc. So how can a business quickly prepare for the communication with the client, regardless of where the application went?

Our answer is to use Serpstat, as it allows us to quickly collect all the data on the client's website and provide them with comprehensive reports:
About the current traffic:
Analysis of the total traffic from the current customer content
About the number of organic keywords:
Client's organic keywords
About the keyword position distribution in search results:
Distribution of domain's keywords in the top 100 search results
About advertising campaigns in Google Ads
The number of domain's keywords in contextual advertising
All the reports mentioned in the article can be found in the Serpstat Domain Analysis tool.

Stage #2: Identifying Customer Needs

The purpose of the second stage is to assess the state of the client's business and tailor the proposal to their specific needs. That's where Serpstat also comes in handy, as it forms a series of leading questions:
For how many keywords is the client's website at the top of search results?
List of keywords for which the client's website ranks at the top of search results
How effective is their contextual advertising?
Analysis of keywords in contextual advertising
What is their website's current organic traffic?
Analysis of domain's organic traffic
Who is the main competitor?
List of website competitors

Analysis of competitors' websites: an extensive guide

What are the website's rankings for keywords in search results?
Monitoring of the website's main positions in search results

Stage #3: SEO Proposal

It's about time to prepare a winning SEO service proposal. The central focus should be on a personalized strategy: work plan, cost, deadlines, and results.

It's crucial to demonstrate the website's current state from a technical and analytical point of view. The service can show:
The dynamics of the website's search engine visibility, traffic, and keywords:
The trend of the dynamics of the website's search engine visibility, traffic, and keywords
Besides, there's the keyword position distribution in the top-100 search results:
keyword position distribution in the top-100 search results
Сomparative analysis of competitors:
Graph with competitor domains
With the service, you can check each competitor's website from the table and gather the keywords they rank for:
The list of website's competitors in organic search
Working with data and numbers is one of the critical skills of a sales manager. At this stage, the client wants to see quantitative data. One of the most useful Serpstat's features is Competitor Analysis. It allows you to assess the website's SEO performance compared to its competitive landscape.
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Stage #4: Dealing With Client Concerns and Success Factors

Client concerns or objections are the client's questions and doubts at the stage of negotiation. One of the most common customer objections is the fear that as soon as they stop their online promotion, all of their search result rankings will immediately drop.

That's why at the beginning of the optimization many clients can't quickly decide on the number of keywords they want to rank for at the top of search results. It is worth noting that the larger the keyword list is, the more likely it is to increase the website's visibility in the search results for low-volume queries.
Рост позиций сайта по низкочастотным запросам
On the Keywords Trend from the Domain Analysis → Overview report, we can see fluctuations in the dynamics of keywords in search results. However, despite some downward spikes, the general indicators tend to rise.
График изменения количества ключевых слов домена в поисковой выдаче
Keywords Trend
When the client has come to terms with objections and concerns, it is worth focusing on the main triggers:
Calculate and demonstrate missed opportunities: the potential demand for goods or services that a client loses by not taking advantage of your SEO services.
1.1. Export the list of keywords the competitor ranks for and sum up the search volume of keywords that rank in the top 100 search results.

As a result, they will see the total demand that currently generates sales to the most prominent market players. For instance, let's take a gym apparel website. Here's the data on it:
Текущий трафик и видимость анализируемого сайта в выдаче
And the data on one of the direct competitors:
Экспорт данных в таблицы
We usually export the list of all competitors' keywords, analyze different keyword metrics (e.g., monthly search volume) and find growth prospects for the client's website. By summing up the search volume, we can asses the total demand for the goods/services.
1.2. Export keywords of the client's website and determine those for which it doesn't rank on the first page (top 10 positions) of Google search results.
Выгружаем и анализируем запросы конкурентов
Demonstrate the promotion potential in terms of the website's current search engine visibility and missed keywords:
Потенциальный трафик по запросам, которые вне топ-10
We exported the keyword the client ranks for outside the first page of Google's search results (top 10 positions) and summarized their search volume. It gave us an idea of the potential traffic the client can drive if they create high-quality content and rank at the top for those keywords.


We strongly believe that using the basic features of Serpstat can significantly help the company optimize the work of SEO and PPC specialists, digital marketers, and managers. And sales managers will be able to close many successful deals with ease and even more enthusiasm at all stages:

  1. Initial contact
  2. Identifying customer needs
  3. SEO service proposal
  4. Dealing with client concerns and success factors

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The opinion of the guest post authors may not coincide with the opinion of the Serpstat editorial staff and specialists.

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