How-to 9 min read

How To Collect and Distribute Keywords On Your Website

How To Collect and Distribute Keywords On Your Website
Keyword research is one of the main SEO tasks, as the website's visibility in the search results and its traffic depend on the effectiveness of the keyword selection and distribution.

In this post, we will go over the basics of how to collect, cluster, and distribute keywords on your website.

What Is A Keyword List?

A keyword list includes all keywords used for SEO optimization. The number of keywords in the list depends on the website topic; for large websites, it can consist of millions of search queries.

The primary purpose of collecting keywords for SEO is to create an optimization strategy that will help increase the website's visibility in organic search results.

How do you collect a keyword list? SEOs use a variety of tools, the most popular being Keyword Planner, Google Ads, Keyword Research by Serpstat, and others.

A website's keyword list typically consists of low-, medium- and high-volume queries. Search volume is determined by the average number of monthly impressions in search engines.

For popular topics like clothes or toys, high-volume queries mean tens of thousands of impressions a month. In some cases, super-popular keywords may be requested millions of times a month.

If the website is about an uncommon, niche topic, with a small target audience, high search volume would be considered keywords that the search engine shows 300-500 times a month:

Using Google Ads To Create A Keyword List

The Keyword Planner allows you to select queries based on a given topic and specified keywords. First, click Start now:
Google Adwords Keyword Planner
Next, click Tools & Settings and choose the Keyword Planner:
Extending semantics with the Google Adwords Keyword Planner
Next, select Discover new keywords:
Search for new keywords in the Google Adwords Keyword Planner
Let's say, we need to collect keywords for an online store, which has three categories of goods: motorcycles, scooters, and sports bikes.

Let's enter the listed keywords and click "Get results":
Related Keywords in Google Adwords Keyword Planner
The planner offered more than three thousand queries on the topic of interest:
Keyword Options in the Google Adwords Keyword Planner
You can use the results to create a keyword list for a website and launch an advertising campaign. The report displays keywords, average monthly searches, competition, and the cost-per-click for Ads.

You can apply filters, for example, by the level of competition. You can also view groups of keywords with a common topic:
Grouped Keyword Options in Google Adwords Keyword Planner
Grouping keywords will allow you to distribute a keywords into sections and pages of the website:
Keyword Grouping in Google Adwords Keyword Planner
For further work, download the keyword options in a .csv format:
Export Keyword from Google Adwords Keyword Planner

Expanding The Keyword List With The Serpstat Related Keywords Report

This report can be found in the Keyword Research → SEO Research → Related keywords. Type in the keyword of interest, click Search and get statistics on all similar keywords from the TOP-20 of search results:
Similar phrases in Serpstat
After receiving new keyword options, you should add them to the same file, sort them in alphabetical order and remove duplicates. You can then proceed with grouping (clustering) the queries.
Type in any keyword to start working with the tool:
Advanced SEO Audit: A Complete Guide To All Stages Of The Analysis [Infographic]

Distribution Of Keywords On The Website

Grouping Keywords

All previously collected keywords must be correctly grouped for successful optimization.

Keyword research helps determine the website structure correctly: high-volume and medium-volume queries should get included in the names of website categories and subcategories, and low-volume queries should be used on website pages.

When collecting a keyword list and distributing keywords throughout the website, you should follow these guidelines:
Several pages at once shouldn't get optimized for the same keyword. Otherwise, it will lead to keyword cannibalization.
In this case, only one page of the website relevant to a search query gets shown in search results, or the website's overall rankings drop as the algorithm ranks more optimized websites higher.
You need to divide the queries into two groups:

  • informational queries: they have a cognitive value and help to increase website traffic. These queries attract users who are interested in the topic but are not currently focused on making a purchase. Such queries may contain such words as "How", "Where", "Why", "Instructions", etc.
  • transactional queries: they are focused on the target audience ready to make a purchase. The optimization for these keywords leads to the highest conversion, as they attract buyers to the website, and not just users interested in the topic. The used in transactional queries are "Buy", "Order", "Price", etc. Depending on the search volume, such keywords are included in website categories or product cards
You need to divide keywords into groups, where each group (cluster) contains queries similar in meaning. Then, distribute them on the website pages.
For instance, such queries as "Buy a Yamaha bike", "Yamaha bike price", or "Purchase a Yamaha motorcycle" can be used on one page.
Besides the texts for product pages, categories and articles, keywords are used for internal linking and tagging. Mid-volume and low-volume queries that you did not use for category names can be used as tags to combine similar groups of products or articles.

Keyword Clustering with Serpstat

You can simplify and automate the process of grouping keywords with the Serpstat Keyword Clustering tool. Click Create project, enter the name, select a region and a search engine:
Grouping keyword into clusters in Serpstat
Next, specify the connection strength and the type of clustering.

Strong connection strength requires more common URLs in the top 30 search results for a keyword, while Weak requires less.

If you select the Soft parameter, keywords are combined into a cluster, if at least one pair of the clustered keywords has the same URL in the SERP. With Hard-clustering, all keywords in the same cluster should have common URLs in the results.

Then, add the keywords manually or by importing a file.
Each cluster has a Homogeneity indicator, i.e. the degree of semantic coherence of keywords. In the report, you can also view the leading websites for cluster queries ("Metatop" tab). The received clusters can be exported into a convenient format.
Keyword Clustering in Serpstat
Would you like to use Serpstat to collect your keyword list?
Sign up for a 7-day trial
and test the Keyword Research and Keyword Clustering tools for free!


A complete and properly clustered keyword list is the basis of internal content optimization and overall website SEO optimization. A keyword list helps the website meet the needs and expectations of the target audience and each stage of the buyer's journey, and provide them with all the information they're looking for.

To collect a suitable keyword list, you need to collect all suitable keywords, group them into clusters, and use them in various forms for category names, website content, meta tags, category filters, product cards, and landing pages.
This article is a part of Serpstat's Task Lists tool
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