Top pages

Top pages display the site pages of the analyzed domain that receive the most search traffic and the number of shares on social networks. Make the most of this tool when analyzing competitors. Thus, you can find out what content brings the most traffic and create a similar one or find product categories that are worth adding to your online store.
URL — the page of the analyzed domain.
Organic keywords — the number of keywords for which the page is ranked.
Shares on Facebook — the number of shares on Facebook.
Traffic is the estimated traffic that a page receives from search results.

To see the list of keywords click on the number, and you will be taken to the corresponding report:

Top pages
Keywords of the URL

Here are some tips on how you can set up the report for your needs:
1. Columns can be:
- sorted by the number of organic keywords:

Sorting of the report

- resized:

Resizing columns

- rearranged by location and display of columns (click the button in the right upper corner):

2. In the upper right corner there is a button that will allow you to copy the necessary information by selecting the keywords, checkboxes will help with this:

Copy option of the keywords

3. The blue mark provides quick access to other reports:

4A pointer to the left of the domain / URL will take you to the site itself:

5. With the quick filters you can filter the report by the desired parameters:

If you still have any questions, you can go to our FAQuse cases or contact the tech support chat.
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